A close friend of mine calls me a "Wordsmith"...as my memory bank holds a collection of quotes, sayings, verses and stories that have been engrafted into my soul and spirit on this journey of life. What is written, are things that have enriched my life, so in turn, it is my prayer that those who visit this blog may be touched in some way!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


After spending a retreat weekend up north, I return inspired!  As Sara Groves says in her song "Just Showed Up"... and I reiterated...."I'm going to live my life inspired.  Look for the holy in the common place. Open the windows and feel all that's honest and real, until I'm truly amazed!  I'm going to feel all my emotions.  I'm going to look you in the eyes.  I am going to listen and hear until it's finally clear and it changes our lives!"  ( This song was inspired by John Eldridges book "Waking the Dead" - The Glory of God in a man fully alive! 

So I was inspired to start this blog by stumbling onto another blog in a google search.  A close friend of mine calls me a "Wordsmith".... as my memory bank holds a collection of quotes, sayings, and verses that have been engrafted into my soul in this journey of life.  The road we travel is not always easy... I am thankful to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, who is not only my Redeemer, but my Advocate.  My goal in this life is to really KNOW Him (Phil 3:10) and be conformed to the image of His Son!

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