A close friend of mine calls me a "Wordsmith"...as my memory bank holds a collection of quotes, sayings, verses and stories that have been engrafted into my soul and spirit on this journey of life. What is written, are things that have enriched my life, so in turn, it is my prayer that those who visit this blog may be touched in some way!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

To Infinity and BEYOND!

While celebrating the 4th of July holiday at the lake with my dear friend CoCo, she was telling me  of a song from the movie "Roman Adventure" called "Al  Di La".  She said it reminded her of the Lord,  and I agree.  The song is sung in Italian, but the English translation of the lyrics are as follows: 


I did not think it possible
If you could say these words
Beyond the most precious good,
there you are.

Beyond the most ambitious dream,
there you are.
Beyond the most beautiful things,
there you are.
Beyond the stars, there you are.
Beyond, there you are for me,
just for me.

Beyond the deepest sea, there you are.
Beyond the borders of the world, there you are.
Beyond the infinite vault (sky-heaven),
Beyond life.
There you are, there you are for me.

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